Alignment + Balancing
The Fundamentals of Belts and Sheaves
In some industries, like oiling, drive belt replacement is considered a task for the new guys on the floor. It’s an easy job right? Absolutely. But there are many ways to do it incorrectly if not taught properly the first time.
- Stan Riddle
- Acoem USA
Video Vibration Analysis: an Invaluable Tool
Video Vibration Analysis has proven to be an invaluable tool for reliability professionals to assist in visualizing common faults like:
-looseness, and more.
- Theresa Girard
- ERBESSD Instruments
“Mic” Your Shims Before Alignment!
Have you ever added the number of shims your laser alignment tool or dial indicator tells you to during an alignment only to find your machine is still out of alignment? This is a frustrating but common occurrence.
- Stan Riddle
- Acoem USA
Understanding How Laser Shaft Alignment Works
There are many root causes to vibration in the industrial sector. However, there are four that contribute up to 80%. Watch this tip to find out more about these root causes.
- Rich Merhige
- AME Solutions
The Importance of Precision Shaft Alignment
Sven Fleishcher explains how if the lubrication is not working, we will have shorter availability of the machine. This is why precision shaft alignment is very important.
- Sven Fleischer
- Easy-Laser AB
Wind Turbine DFIG Generator Slip Ring Defect
This case study shows how early detection of slip ring unit defect can result in a fast, inexpensive repair.
- Michael Hastings
- Brüel & Kjær Vibro (B&K Vibro)
SPM in Paper Industry: 20 Months Pre-Warning Time with HD Technology.
In this Nine Minutes of Knowledge, Datong shares a Paper machine case study and explains how to detect bearing defaults and what applications were used to fix the issue..
- Ivan Salim
- SPM Instrument Indonesia
Bearing Problems – Fault Frequency and Artificial Intelligence-Based Methods
The early detection and fault analysis of bearing problems is crucial. When a rolling-element bearing develops flaws on the races and/or rolling elements, there are four vibration frequencies that can result...
- Pawel Lecinski
CbM Technology Trends and Solution Requirements
Dara O’Sullivan, System Applications Manager at Analog Devices, answers questions about technology trends in Condition based Monitoring as well as how to get application insights and choose the best sensing solution for your system requirements.
- Dara O'Sullivan
- Analog Devices, Inc
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