We are pleased to share with you MOBIUS CONNECT’s WEEK OF WEBINARS “WOW” United Kingdom!
WOW is a collection of free one-hour educational presentations delivered by industry practitioners, in one week. WOW sessions are designed to focus on each of the condition monitoring and reliability improvement focus areas, and you are encouraged to customize your experience and attend the webinars that align best with your areas of interest.
The WOW agenda is made up of 45-minute webinars. You have several webinars to choose from, and you can register to receive as many or as few sessions as you would like.
List of Webinars
- Reliability 4.0: The Future of CBM and Reliability in an Industry 4.0 World by Jason Tranter
- Lessons Learnt From 25 Years in Condition Monitoring by Matthew Moore
- Surprising New Sensors to Extend Your Vibration Monitoring Capability by Geoff Walker
- Using Ultrasound to Improve Reliability by Tom Murphy
- Panel Discussion on the Adoption of Condition Monitoring in Different Industries by Matthew Moore, Will Crane and Will Bower
- My Best Practice Guide by Colin Pickett
- Utilizing Visual Vibration Technology for Root Cause Analysis and Rectification by Stuart Walker
- Why Change the Maintenance Strategic Goals and Vision to a Reliability Centred Approach? by Ryan Hanney
- Ultrasound in the IIoT: Monitoring & Lubricating Bearings Remotely by Chris Hallum
- Adopting a Risk Based Approach to Predictive Maintenance by Matthew Moore