Two Minute Tips  

A Quick Tip for Oil Storage

John Sander | Vice President of Research & Development, Lubrication Engineers

Why risk the effectiveness and lifespan of the lubricants that help maintain your machinery by leaving them susceptible to contamination? It’s time to get rid of the old methods that can allow water, dirt, and other particulates to contaminate your lubricants. Whatever ends up in the lubricant, ends up in your machinery.

The smallest particulates, especially the ones we do not see, can cause premature equipment failure. In addition, older oil transfer and storage methods can result in incorrect lubricant usage and cross-contamination.

Sealable, reusable oil storage containers are the solution to prevent contamination. They make lubricant storage and handling easy, efficient and clean. Best practice recommendations also include integrating a color-coding system that includes labeled containers to prevent misapplication and cross contamination. LE’s Xpel Oil Storage Containers can provide instant impact on your lubricant reliability efforts.

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About the Author

John Sander Vice President of Research & Development, Lubrication Engineers

John Sander, Vice President of Research & Development, Lubrication Engineers, Inc., has a BS in chemistry from Wichita State University and an MS in environmental science from Friends University. In 1989 he began his career at Lubrication Engineers, where he has been responsible for a variety of lubricant quality, formulation and testing activities. He holds CLS and OMA I certifications from STLE, and a CLGS certification from NLGI. His memberships include SAE, NLGI, ACS and STLE. He has authored or co-authored 20+ technical and marketing papers and one book chapter (Chapter 13: “Petroleum Oil Hydraulic Fluids” in the Handbook of Hydraulic Fluid Technology). He is a past winner of the NLGI Author’s Award.